NTS has been involved in seismic testing for specific products to be installed in California State hospitals, both new and upgraded for a number of years now. Judging by the results, we have been very successful. A recent test program for Reliable Automated Sprinkler Systems Co., Inc. out of Liberty, South Carolina is a great example of the level of service NTS provides for AC-156 testing.
3,500 lb Seismic testing
in our Plano Lab
“Wow! That was fast.” wrote Paul Sasser, Reliable’ s VP of Engineering in a congratulatory email. “Picking you guys to work with was one of the best testing decisions we have ever made. I am not sure if we will ever need to do this type of work again, but if we do, I guarantee you folks that you will be called upon. Many thanks to all. ”With CA Seismic being a time to market issue, as well as a backlog in the few testing labs that can support this, NTS is poised to capture a large share of the market. We currently have four labs which can support this type of testing - Fullerton, Plano, Boxborough and Silicon Valley. This, along with strategic alignments among two of the largest structural engineering firms that handle CA Seismic in the US and abroad make NTS a leader in the AC-156 testing market.