All-Encompassing Environmental Testing in Central Florida
Located at the heart of the Space Coast, Element U.S. Space & Defense’s Orlando, FL laboratories are a key partner to our aerospace, defense, medical and commercial clients. From our two Orlando locations, complete test services for dynamic, climatic, EMI, and hydraulic testing are performed with dedication to the highest standards of quality and accuracy. You can be assured of our commitment to quality as evidenced by the A2LA ISO/IEC 17025 laboratory accreditations.
Our location on Old Winter Garden Rd specializes in dynamic, climatic and hydraulic testing capabilities, while the EMI/EMC capabilities are housed in the Kingspointe Parkway location.
- Environmental Simulation
- EMI/EMC Testing
- Dynamics and Shock
- Hydraulics Testing

Environmental Testing Laboratory in Orlando, FL
From solar cells that are exposed to harsh sunlight to satellite components that must endure drastic thermal fluctuations, scores of products are expected to perform in some of the most challenging environmental conditions imaginable. For businesses that design, develop and manufacture these products, there is absolutely no substitute for the comprehensive environmental simulation testing offered by our certified testing laboratory in Orlando.
Environmental testing can ensure that products meet all relevant contract and regulatory requirements, such as MIL-STD-810 for military items. In addition, it can help manufacturers distinguish themselves with best-in-class product offerings. Armed with the data needed to recognize flaws and weaknesses early in a product’s R&D phase, manufacturers can bring more robust products to the market. This enhances both the credibility and marketability of the item — as well as the company behind it.
Our Orlando, FL facility offers temperature, humidity, altitude, rapid decompression, thermal vacuum, explosive atmosphere, solar heating effects, thermal shock, blowing sand, blowing dust, blowing rain, and salt fog. We can also operate controls such as buttons, switches and joysticks in harsh environmental conditions hostile to human presence and can offer more detailed manipulation via a Motoman SV3 Robot.
Dynamics Testing Laboratory in Orlando, FL
From acceleration and mechanical shock testing (free-fall and shaker) to transportation simulation to drop testing and vibration testing, this facility can do it all. The Orlando laboratory also maintains a U.S. Navy certified lightweight hammer shock machine capable of accommodating the associated MIL-S-901E testing requirements. The facility is accredited by the International Safe Transit Association (ISTA) as a Certified Testing Laboratory for package testing procedures 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 2A and 2B. Our dynamics and environmental testing capabilities include:
- Acceleration, 27-inch radius centrifuge, max 400 rpm, 30 slip-ring electrical connections
- Electro-dynamic vibration to 23,000 lbf, up to 3″ displacement
- Mechanical Shock, freefall and shaker – classical and SRS
- Altitude – including thermal vacuum, rapid and explosive decompression
- Combined Environments, Environmental Stress Screening (ESS)
- Explosive Atmosphere – 3′ DIA x 4′ chamber, to 71°C and 50,000 ft. altitude
- Immersion – vessels up to 48″ x 60″ x 60″
- Spray, Drip, and Rain (wind to 40 mph, 4-inch/hour typical rate)
- Salt Fog – 30 ft3 and 73 ft3 salt fog chambers
- Blowing Sand and Blowing Dust
- Temperature and Humidity – 10′ x 12′ x 8′ walk-in chamber and smaller
- Thermal Shock
- Solar (heating effects)
- Icing
Hydraulics Testing
For your hydraulics testing needs, we perform endurance, impulse, burst and proof pressure, cracking and reseat pressure, high and low temperature (fluid and/or environment), leakage, and cold start testing. Pressures of 7,500 psig, temperatures from minus 55 Degree C to 135 Degree C and flows of 200 GPM can be achieved. Phosphate Ester (Skydrol) and Hydrocarbon (Red Oil) test stands are available. Common test specifications include SAE ARP 4378, SAE ARP4946, SAE ARP1383. Other hydraulics testing capabilities include:
- Burst and proof pressure to 60,000 psi
- Cracking and reseat pressure to 8,000 psi
- Leakage to 8,000 psi
- Endurance to 6,000 psi Hydrocarbon (red oil) and 7,500 psi Phosphate Ester (Skydrol)
- Impulse to 6,000 psi Hydrocarbon (red oil) and 7,500 psi Phosphate Ester (Skydrol)
- Cold Start to 3,000 psi at 5 gpm
- Combined Environments (pressure and low with temperature, vibration)some text
- Vibration pressures to 4,000 psi at 8 gpm Hydrocarbon (red oil), or 3,000 at 12 gpm Phosphate Ester (Skydrol)
- Temperature to 4,000 psi at 8 gpm Hydrocarbon (red oil), or 5,500 psi at 20 gpm Phosphate Ester (Skydrol)
- Hydrostatic capability – Hydrocarbon (red oil)/water to 60,000 psig or Phosphate Ester (Skydrol)/water to 75,000 psig
- High speed data acquisition and control using National Instrument Hardware and Labview software – record at 1,000 hertz, control at 2 hertz
EMI Testing Laboratory in Orlando, FL
Element U.S. Space & Defense is a key partner to our aerospace, defense, medical and commercial clients. From our two locations in Orlando, we have complete test services for dynamic, climatic, EMI, and hydraulic testing which are performed with a dedication to the highest standards of quality and accuracy. You can be assured of our commitment to quality as evidenced by the facility’s A2LA ISO/IEC 17025 laboratory accreditation.
Our Kingspointe Parkway location specializes in the EMI testing capabilities highlighted below.
Our Element U.S. Space & Defense facilities form a large network of EMC/EMI testing laboratories in across North America. This means we have the experience to deliver customized testing services designed to fully meet the requirements of FCC standards, DoD military specifications and CE certification for the European Union and beyond.
In addition, backed by our A2LA electrical 0214.47 and mechanical 0214.46 accreditations, our Orlando lab maintains five shielded enclosures, as well as a broad variety of test equipment to help you achieve your Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) and Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) test objectives. Our experienced engineers and technical specialists execute tests related to defense (MIL-STD-461) and aerospace (RTCA/DO 160) standards as well as a variety of similar specifications.
The facility is accredited by A2LA to the ISO/IEC 17025 Standard for Laboratory Accreditation, which means our testing methods, data collection and equipment calibration are all verified by third-party independent auditors.
With the latest EMC/EMI equipment that is capable of testing to some of the most extreme limits, our EMI testing capabilities include but are not limited to:
- Servicing the Defense, Aerospace, Space, and Consumer Electronics industries
- Radiated Susceptibility ~ 200 V/m, frequency range 10 kHz to 40 GHz,
- HIRF Testing 100 MHz – to 18 GHz up to 7200 V/m pk
- Radiated Emissions ~ 30 Hz to 40 GHz
- Compact 3 meter screen room
- MIL/AERO semi-anechoic chambers
- Extended ground plane test beds
- Indirect Lightning-Single stroke, multiple stroke, multiple burst, Level 5 DO-160
- AC & Telecom port surge, Electrical Fast Transients, Ring-wave, and burst testing
- Electrical power characteristics testing
- Shielding effectiveness, transfer impedance
- Electrostatic discharge up to 30 kV
- Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) to 50 kV/m
- RADHAZ analysis
Indirect Effects Lightning
When it comes to the latest and most reliable testing methods, you can count on us to be at the forefront of development. This includes testing for the indirect effects of lightning, which in real-world instances, create intense electromagnetic fields that can result in severe damage to sensitive components and systems up to a kilometer away from where the lightning strike occurred.
In our ongoing efforts to meet the needs of our customers, we are adding the equipment necessary for indirect effects lightning testing at our Orlando testing facility. Testing will be conducted to RTCA/DO-160 and MIL-STD-461G, all waveforms up to level 5 section 22, and ARP 5414 Section 6.
Our testing methods are in accordance with ANSI, IEEE, RTCA, SAE, EUROCAE, U.S. MIL-STDs and various other leading industry standards. Our indirect-effects testing lab in Orlando, FL, houses equipment that is capable of comprehensive transient and field analysis, ranging from individual circuits to fully operational interconnected systems.
To help determine the cumulative indirect effects of lightning strikes on your equipment, our engineers are able to apply tests that include the following methods:
- Transformer injection
- Pin injection
- Ground-circuit injection
- Capacitive injection
- Field immersion techniques