NTS Selected As Exclusive Test Tool Developer and Certification Test Lab for USNAP Alliance

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June 29, 2012

NTS announced this week that it has been selected by the USNAP Alliance as its exclusive testing and certification lab partner. In addition to certification testing, NTS will also develop a test tool to assist in the development and certification testing of USNAP certified products complying with the CEA-2045 Modular Communication Interface (MCI) standard. Official certification testing is scheduled to begin in approximately six months.The USNAP Alliance was formed to provide manufacturers with a standard communications interface between consumer electronics products, such as meters, in-home displays programmable communication thermostats and major load appliances such as electric water heaters, HVAC, washing machines, and pool pumps. The latest version of the standard has been designed to allow manufacturers to move forward with the development and release of smart appliances without being locked into any particular communications standard. USNAP has recently joined forced with EPRI under the guidelines of the National Institute of Standards and Technology's Smart Grid Interoperability Panel (NIST SGIP) to bring these specifications to the Smart Grid as a well-rounded standard. The specification is now also on the fast track to become an internationally recognized standard as CEA-2045 through the Consumer Electronics Association.

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