Lab Spotlight: NTS Power Products Acton, MA

Read Time: 
October 30, 2013

Located in Acton, Massachusetts, the Energy Products Group of NTS offers nuclear utilities and suppliers alike a full range of engineered services including equipment qualification, commercial grade dedication, engineering solutions, component supply and field services which are all provided under our NUPIC and NIAC audited 10CFR50 Appendix B and NQA-1 quality program. With over 40 years in serving the nuclear industry NTS has been supporting the current fleet both domestically and internationally in addition to supporting construction and qualification of the next generation of nuclear plant components.NTS offers a full service of testing, analysis and engineering services including:

  • Seismic simulations; single axis, independent tri-axial or dependent bi-axial
  • EMI/EMC testing and analytics to Reg Guide 1.180 and EPRI 102323
  • Nuclear Dedication to EPRI NP-5652
  • Vibration aging and sine-beat testing
  • Materials identification and (eV) testing
  • Mechanical aging
  • Thermal Aging
  • Normal and accident radiation exposure
  • Reliability simulation, evaluation (MTBF)
  • Qualified life analysis
  • Vacuum testing, leak detection
  • Environmental Testing including temperature & humidity profiles
  • Finite elements analysis, ANSYS
  • Nuclear steam accident, LOCA, HELB, MSLB
  • Dynamics, acoustics, shock, acceleration
  • Failure analysis
  • Seismic Testing to AC-156

NTS certifies equipment for Class 1E installation for mild or harsh environments to IEEE 323 and IEEE 344. These systems include instrumentation, digital recorders, controllers, batteries, gauges, motors, panels, fuses, relays, transmitters, transformers, switches and chillers from a multitude of manufacturers. NTS also provides engineering evaluations to determine the best potential replacement from over 200 manufacturers of nuclear grade equipment. With a focus on solving plant needs, NTS leads the industry in modifications to or design of replacement safety-related systems, as well as instrumentation panel and component design.

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