New EN 55022:2006 Requirements slated to go into effect

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June 12, 2009

Manufacturers of Information Technology Equipment (ITE) intended for sale in the European Union should take note of some important changes that are slated to go into effect with regard to their EMC testing requirements under emissions standard EN 55022:2006.In November 2008 the European Union's Official Journal (OJ) published lists of standards for the Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Directive and Radio and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment Directive (R&TTED). Both lists include references to EN 55022:2006 and its amendment A1, released in 2007.EN 55022:2006 will supersede EN 55022;1998 and become the requirement for Information Technology Equipment (ITE) sold into the European Union after October 1st 20091 , with the requirements of Amendment A1:2007 coming into force one year later on October 1st 2010. What are the differences between the 1998 and 2006 versions of the standard and what new requirements will be introduced by A1:2007? Let's begin by reviewing the history of CISPR 22 from 1997 onwards. International Standard CISPR 22 is the basis for not only EN 55022 but also for many of the other national versions of standards for ITE.To read the rest of the article, please click here.Elliott Laboratories is currently equipped to conduct the EU free space testing above 1 GHz per EN55022:2006+ A1 and/or CISPR 22:2005 + A1 in all chambers at our Fremont facility. For more information about how this change affects your products or for a price quote to test your product, please contact us at or call at 408-245-7800.

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