Recently, NTS Pittsfield engineer and certified COMSOL consultant Justin McKennon gave a keynote presentation at the COMSOL Conference in Boston, MA. The presentation, titled "Using Modeling for Lightning Protection Design and Certification" gave attendees a view into the use of multiphysics simulation technology in the field of lightning protection. Multiphysics simulation using COMSOL allows engineers to use modeling to test large designs for lightning risk and impact in a cost effective manner while increasing the likelihood that their lightning testing in the lab will be successful.
To watch Justin's presentation, click here to visit the COMSOL blog.
Interested in more lightning training from our experts? View our upcoming lightning protection courses here.At NTS, we have considerable experience with lightning simulation. Our testing capabilities include:
Proper testing to ensure lightning strike protection must take into account both indirect and direct factors. Our team can devise a complete testing protocol that simplifies your road to compliance with DO-160, Sections 22 and 23. The NTS lightning test capabilities also meet requirements outlined in EUROCAE / ED-84, Boeing D6-16050-5, Airbus ABD0100.1.2, and FAA Advisory Circular 20-136.Leveraging our more than 50 years of experience, we provide you with the information you need to develop a quality product that is suitable for any application.Learn More About Lightning Protection Testing