Computed Tomography: Optimizing Large Quantity Automated Measurements

Read Time: 
October 29, 2018

Learn more about automated measurement techniques for large quantity screening applications.

The need for nondestructive evaluation on large quantity production components is becoming more achievable with CT technology due to the advances in machine hardware and processing techniques over the past few years. Computed tomography, once a slow, tedious process, has grown into a nearly instant method of data acquisition. The cone beam CT approach paired with ever increasing data communication rates can allow for substantial (and reliable) data sets to be produced much faster; in some cases it can be 15 minutes or less. This article will discuss the use of a calibrated test artifact to demonstrate how scan time affects the ability to perform automated measurement techniques for large quantity screening applications.Click here to read more of this article published in Quality Magazine by NTS' Ryan Pietsch, NDT Engineer at our NTS Belcamp, MD location.

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