The Ordnance Sciences Division within the NTS Defense Group has been fortunate this year to participate as co-authors with the NSWC Crane, Detachment Fallbrook, ESED customer and support their presentation of papers at two NDIA conferences. The paper presentations were: “High Speed Digital Infrared Imaging of the M201A1 Grenade Fuze Initiation Train,” that was presented at the NDIA Fuze Conference in May 2010, and “Pyrotechnic Shock Loading of the M82 Percussion Primer in the M777 Light Weight Howitzer Magazine Assembly,” that was presented at the NDIA Joint Armaments Conference, also in May 2010. More recently, Ryan Hill and Jon Conner of the NTS Ordnance Sciences Division presented a paper at the Gun Tube Tube M3 Symposium hosted by the US Army Research Laboratory at Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD in July 2010. The title of this paper was “Transient Heat Transfer Model to Support Rapid Trade Studies of Machine Gun Barrel Geometries and Materials.”The Ordnance Sciences Division at NTS recently added the capability to perform computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis to their suite of high end engineering analysis software tools. The CFD software acquired included CFDesign from Blue Ridge Numerics and FloTHERM from Mentor Graphics. CFDesign is ideally suited for general purpose internal and external flow analysis including high speed compressible flow (up to Mach 5) and can accommodate rotating projectiles such as the 81 mm HE Mortar Projectile shown in Figure 1.FloTHERM is ideally suited for the solution of heat transfer problems incorporating conduction, convection, and radiation phenomena with complex assemblies (including electronic circuit boards) and incompressible fluids. An example of the steady state flow induced in the surrounding air by natural convection heat transfer from an electronics enclosure is shown in Figure 2.